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Primary Edition, June 2020
Friends matter
Rebecca Parkinson (video recording by Vita)
We can be thankful for things every day!
Paul Vittle (video recording by Verity Thornhill)
Jesus calms the storm
Sophie Jelley (video recording by Vita)
The value of friendship
Jan Edmunds (video recording by Verity Thornhill)
Friends are so important
Charmian Roberts (video recording by Vita)
How do we show our gratitude?
Jan Edmunds (video recording by Verity Thornhill)
Everyone has a special job to do
Maggie Barfield (video recording by Vita)
Our feelings often depend on our circumstances
Rebecca Parkinson (video recording by Verity Thornhill)
What do we want to be when we grow up?
Gill Hartley (video recording by Vita)
How can we be good friends to people who feel alone?
Becky May (video recording by Verity Thornhill)
We are all important
Janice Ross (revised, originally published in 2007)
The importance of teamwork
Alan M. Barker
Which path should we choose?
Janice Ross
Lessons from the story of the enormous turnip
Revd Alan M. Barker (revised, originally published in 2000)
Caring for the world’s oceans and seas
Helen Gwynne-Kinsey
An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive
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