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Primary Edition, July 2020
Mahatma Gandhi - a role model for peace
Hilary Karen
A life well lived
Rebecca Parkinson
We need courage to stand up for our beliefs
Janice Ross (video recording by Vita)
All things bright and beautiful
Rebecca Parkinson (video recording by Vita)
Children are important
Janice Ross (video recording by Vita)
Don’t give up!
Alison Thurlow (video recording by Vita)
The story of David and Goliath
Jenny Tuxford (video recording by Vita)
Being kind can have a great effect
Rebecca Parkinson
What special memories do we have?
Rebecca Parkinson
Moving to secondary school
Alexandra Palmer (adapted)
Playing your part is more important than you might think
Laurence Chilcott
Sharing a problem reduces it in size
Tessa Mann (revised, originally published in 2002)
All different and all special
Revd Alan M. Barker and Laura Barker (revised, originally published in 2002)
The importance of building well
Gill Hartley (revised, originally published in 2009)
Things will get better
Rachael Crisp (video recording by Rebecca Parkinson)
Starting to understand one another
Janice Ross (revised, originally published in 2009)
Our words and actions can inspire others
Janice Ross (revised, originally published in 2010)
Love cannot be measured
Janice Ross (revised, originally published in 2006)
An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive
An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive
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