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Believe It or Not

The resurrection of Jesus

by Brian Radcliffe

Suitable for Whole School (Sec)


To encourage us to consider what the resurrection of Jesus might mean for us.

Preparation and materials

  • This assembly is particularly appropriate for the days following the Easter holidays, but you can also use it as a standalone assembly at any time of the year.


  1. There are many things in this world that we find hard to understand. For instance, a bumblebee has a large body and short, stubby wings - how does it fly? How does light split into a spectrum of all the colours of the rainbow? How does a nuclear reaction work? How far does space stretch?

    Today, just after Easter, we are considering another puzzling question: how and why was Jesus resurrected?

  2. After the crucifixion, Jesus’ dead body had been sealed in a tomb, with a large stone rolled across it. Three days later, the body had disappeared from that tomb. How? What are the theories?

    - Some people suggest that the disciples stole Jesus’ body themselves. But would those disciples have been willing to suffer persecution and death if they knew that the basic premise of Jesus’ resurrection was a lie?
    - Others suggest that the Roman or Jewish authorities took the body. But, if that was so, why didn’t they produce it when Jesus’ followers claimed that he was alive again?
    - Another theory is that Jesus wasn’t really dead when his body was placed in the tomb. But it’s hard to believe that when we consider that he had been flogged, crucified and stabbed with a spear. He couldn’t have revived in the tomb and rolled away the heavy stone.

    So, Jesus was dead . . . and then he was alive again! The enormity of this event goes beyond our understanding.

  3. Now let’s consider what the resurrection means.

    - Death is one of life’s certainties, but Jesus’ resurrection is a victory over death. If Jesus was raised to life again, maybe the doorway that he created is open to us too. Maybe this life is not the end.
    - The resurrection is seen as a victory of good over evil. It showed that God could defeat the worst that could be thrown at him. So, maybe God can also change the evil in our present world.
    - Christians believe that the resurrection is a way of erasing the bad side of our lives, all the guilt and regret - what the Bible calls sin. It’s still very difficult to comprehend, but it gives us food for thought.

Time for reflection

So, what, if any, impact does Jesus’ resurrection have on us?

First, some people find it reassuring to think that this life is not all there is. A famous comedian called Spike Milligan is rumoured to have said, on his deathbed, ‘Is that it?’ In other words, ‘Is this short length of time all I’m given?’ The resurrection suggests that Jesus has opened a door through which we might travel into a new life. Sound good?

Second, if God can protect us from evil and change evil to good, it’s worth our while to pray about what is happening day by day in the present world. The resurrection suggests that God can change things here and now.

Finally, the resurrection suggests that we can become better people. That the mistakes that we regret can be forgiven. That our selfishness can be changed to generosity. That the world can be a better place because we are part of it. Because of the resurrection, our life is worth living. That’s why Christians believe that Easter Sunday, the day of Jesus’ resurrection, is the best day ever.


‘Resurrection day’ by Riverside Worship, available at: (2.33 minutes long)

Publication date: April 2023   (Vol.25 No.4)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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