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Lots of Crosses

An Easter assembly

by Becky May

Suitable for Key Stage 3


To explore the symbolism of the cross.

Preparation and materials

  • You will need the PowerPoint slides that accompany this assembly (Lots of Crosses) and the means to display them.


  1. Explain that you want the students to work in pairs or small groups to see how many different contexts they can think of where they would find a cross.

    Pause to allow time for discussion, and then listen to a range of responses.

  2. Tell the students that you are going to show them the crosses that you thought of.

  3. Show Slide 1.

    This cross denotes where treasure can be found.

  4. Show Slide 2.

    This cross indicates a kiss; it represents love.

  5. Show Slide 3.

    Explain that we sometimes use a cross to mark something as being wrong. You could explain that teachers used to mark work with ticks and crosses, but nowadays, we usually mark it in a different way.

  6. Show Slide 4.

    This cross is often seen on a grave if someone has died.

  7. Show Slide 5.

    The cross is an important symbol for Christians. It reminds them of Jesus’ death on the cross, which they particularly remember at Easter.

    Explain that it is because of the Easter story that the symbol of the cross is used on graves today too. Christians believe that because Jesus died and was resurrected, we don’t need to fear death because we too can live with him. So, instead of being a symbol of sadness, the cross can be a symbol of hope.

Time for reflection

Show Slide 6.

These ideas about what a cross can be used for can help us to think about what Easter means. The cross reminds us that Jesus died on a cross, and that he was resurrected. It also reminds us of other things that Christians believe.

- People are really precious to God - like treasure - and he came down to find and recover his treasure. (You could remind the students of the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin here, if appropriate.)
- God loves the world so much that he sent his son, Jesus, into the world.
- We do wrong things, which the Bible calls sins, and there had to be a punishment for these. But Jesus chose to take away that punishment for us when he died on the cross.

Ask the students to be quiet for a moment while they think about the different aspects of crosses discussed in today’s assembly.

Pause to allow time for thought.

Invite the students to think about any symbols that may be special to them, and why they are significant. Encourage the students to take some time this Easter to find out more about its true meaning.

Dear God,
Thank you for Easter and for the cross.
Thank you for everything that it represents.
Thank you for your amazing love for us.
Please help us to better understand what it means.


‘The wonder of the cross’ by Vicky Beeching, available at: (4.38 minutes long)

‘Jesus is alive’ by CityAlight, available at: (4.21 minutes long)

Publication date: March 2023   (Vol.25 No.3)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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