Advent: Preparation
An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive
Suitable for Whole School (Sec)
To explore the Advent theme, as a preparation for Christmas and for life.
Preparation and materials
Have available some familiar Christmas music and the means to play it during the assembly. Examples could include:
- ‘Santa Claus is coming to town’, sung by The Supremes, available at:
- ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ by Band Aid, available at: -
You will need four readers, and four voices who will speak from different positions in the room.
- You will also need a Bible for Reader 3 to read from.
Play Christmas music as the students enter the room.
Reader 1: We can’t help knowing that it will soon be Christmas. For weeks, the shops have been reminding us of that.
Reader 2: There are carol concerts, nativity plays, Christmas lunches in the stores and maybe in school.
Reader 3: There is shopping to be done.
Reader 4: There is a growing excitement as Christmas gets closer. It’s a welcome mid-winter boost.
Reader 1: Most of us enjoy the preparation for it. If we didn’t prepare, it might not be as good a celebration - the preparation is part of the excitement.
Reader 2: In the Christian calendar, the season of Advent begins around the start of December and lasts until Christmas Eve. It is all about preparing, getting ready, looking back and looking forward. The church uses Advent to help us prepare for and understand the meaning of the birth of Christ. Churches are decorated, Christmas crib scenes are prepared and carols and nativity plays are rehearsed. We begin to feel the excitement building.
Reader 3: (Reads the story of the birth of Jesus and the angel’s appearance to the shepherds from Luke 2.4-11.)
Reader 4: This is the familiar story, but it did not stop there. The baby who was born in Bethlehem grew up to be a man who showed us what it is like to live as a human being, having fun and caring for others as they care for us. He challenges us to live in the same way.
Reader 1: Christians believe that Jesus came into the world to show us how to live life, enjoy it to the full and help others to do the same.
Reader 2: Advent is a good time to think about how well we are doing that, especially the enjoyment.
The following voices should speak from different positions in the room.
Voice 1: I could have stopped and said good morning, but I was in a hurry and moved on.
Voice 2: I could have offered to help, but I was busy with my PlayStation.
Voice 3: I suppose I didn’t have to say that and laugh at her, but . . .
Voice 4: I know 50p isn’t much to give, but I’m saving up for . . .
Reader 3: In the Bible, Jesus says, ‘As you did to one of the least of these, you did it to me.’
Reader 4: It is so easy to help; everyone can make a difference.
Time for reflection
Reader 1: The baby who was born in Bethlehem grew up to be a man who showed us what it is like to live as a human being, having fun and caring for others as they care for us.
Reader 2: What will you do this Christmas and in the days, weeks and years after it?
Reader 3: Will we have a good time, have fun, enjoy the parties, be glad and celebrate the life that God has given us?
Reader 4: Will we remember those whom we can help? Will we help out at home - not just at Christmas, but afterwards as well?
Reader 1: Will we look around us and see who we can help in the world outside our homes?
Reader 2: Will we think of others in parts of the world where there is hunger, and give a little to help?
Dear God,
Thank you for the season of Advent.
Thank you for the excitement of Christmas.
Help us to take time this year to consider the things that really matter.
Help us to think of others and seek to bring them enjoyment.
Help us to take time to remember the reason we have Christmas – the birth of Jesus.
‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ by Band Aid, available at: