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Safer Internet Day

Being safe online

by Vicky Scott

Suitable for Whole School (Sec)


To draw attention to Safer Internet Day on 7 February 2017.

Preparation and materials


  1. Safer Internet Day is an opportunity to rethink how we use the Internet and consider the dangers that are associated with it. Its aim is to promote safe, responsible, positive use of digital technology among children and young people. In 2016, more than 2.8 million children and 2.5 million parents were reached by the Safer Internet Day message and more than 1,000 organizations joined in the campaign.

  2. This year, Safer Internet Day takes place on 7 February and the organizers hope that even more people will take part. This year’s theme is ‘Be the change: unite for a better Internet’. We can do this by embracing the positive aspects of the Internet, while educating people to avoid online risks.

  3. The Safer Internet Day team make several suggestions to help schools reach out to children and young people on Safer Internet Day and at other times of the year. These include:

    - focusing on e-safety during assemblies, form time and lessons
    - displaying Safer Internet Day posters
    - asking young people to design an app, game or video that emphasizes the importance of e-safety
    - running sessions for parents and carers where they can hear about e-safety first-hand
    - involving the local press
    - running quizzes about Internet safety

  4. Students are also encouraged to help spread the word about Safer Internet Day by joining the conversation on social media and by sharing the Safer Internet Day logo. More information about this is available at:

  5. The official website for Safer Internet Day (available at: also includes specially prepared education packs, which include posters, more assembly ideas, lesson plans and activities.

  6. Most people have heard of cyberbullies. These cowardly people use the cover of the Internet to victimize others. Due to the increased availability of smartphones and tablets, people are often connected to the Internet at all times of the day. This has led to people being preyed on at home, at school and at work. Sadly, as often happens with bullying, people suffer in silence, but this should not be the case. Cyberbullies want their victims to remain silent. Cyberbullies often feel like they get power from the victim’s silence. This is why it is important to stand up against bullies of all kinds. None of us should ever suffer bullying in silence. There is always a way out and if you can’t confide in parents or teachers, you can contact an organization such as Childline.

  7. Unfortunately, the Internet makes it possible for people to hide their true identity and motives from those they contact online. We must always be vigilant, and we should not necessarily trust that the things we read online and the people we meet online are genuine. We should never arrange to meet someone whom we have met online without telling our parents or carers.

Time for reflection

The Internet is a wonderful resource, but, like most things in life, it can be abused. People can hide their true identities and trick people into thinking that they are in conversation with someone completely different from the real person. Cyberbullies can easily take the opportunity to make someone’s life miserable. If any of us ever have any worries or suspicions about things that happen online, we must tell someone else straightaway, like a parent, a teacher or another responsible adult.

Dear God,
We thank you for the amazing advances in technology in recent years.
Thank you for the wonderful resource of the Internet.
We ask that you help us to use it wisely - to broaden our minds, not to harm others.


Various CBBC TV presenters have produced songs raising awareness of Internet safety and giving good advice.

- ‘Who do you share your details with?’ (2.32 minutes long), available at:
- ‘Sometimes what seems like fun’ (2.05 minutes long), available at:

Publication date: February 2017   (Vol.19 No.2)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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