To encourage forgiveness when we feel we have been wronged.
by Jan Edmunds
Suitable for Whole School (Pri)
To encourage forgiveness when we feel we have been wronged.
Preparation and materials
- No materials are needed.
- Say that you are going to tell the children a story.
Omar loved to play with his friend Freddy. They enjoyed one another’s company and had lots of fun playing football and doing other things together too. One day they were playing in the garden with Freddy’s model aeroplane. Omar asked if he could have a turn and Freddy readily agreed.
The plane flew high into the sky with Omar at the controls. It looped the loop and flew upside down. Omar was really enjoying himself. But suddenly, the engine started coughing and spluttering, the plane broke into a spin and hurled towards the ground. It plummeted to earth, smashing the nose and a wing as it did so.
Freddy picked up the pieces. He was furious. ‘It’s all your fault!’ he said. ‘I never want to play with you again.’
Omar was very upset. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I didn’t do it on purpose. I don’t know what happened!’
Then Freddy saw Omar’s football on the lawn. He ran over to it and kicked it high over the garden fence. The ball bounced into the path of a passing lorry.
Omar went out into the road to find that his favourite ball had been flattened. ‘Look what you’ve done,’ he said. ‘That was your fault. Go away! I never want to be your friend again.’
Now Freddy was sad. He knew that he had done wrong but he was very angry that his aeroplane had been damaged.
Several days went by and the boys made no attempt to see one another. Freddy’s dad mended his aeroplane and Omar’s dad bought him another football. But both boys were not at all happy and began to miss one another’s company. Omar sat down on the bench in his garden and felt very lonely. He was sad that he had ruined Freddy’s aeroplane but equally sad that Freddy would not forgive him. And somehow Omar still could not forgive Freddy for kicking his ball into the road.
Omar’s dad saw how upset he was. He knew what had happened. ‘You know, you’d be much happier if you forgave one another and were friends again,’ he said.
Omar realized how much he wanted to be friends again with Freddy. ‘I’ll go and see him,’ he said to his dad. He waved goodbye and was just about to open the garden gate when Freddy appeared. Omar was so pleased to see his friend.
‘I forgive you for crashing my aeroplane,’ said Freddy. ‘And please forgive me for kicking your ball into the path of that lorry,’ he added.
The boys realized that their friendship was more important than the aeroplane or the football. They shook hands. Now they were happy again and back being the best of friends. - You might like to discuss the story with your audience. Stress that when someone does something to upset us it’s not always easy to forgive them.
Forgiving helps friends to be friendly again.
Forgiving others makes us happier.
‘We should learn to forgive.’ (Ephesians 4.32)
Time for reflection
Let us say together the prayer that Jesus taught us: The Lord’s Prayer.
In this prayer we are reminded about forgiveness: ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.’
This means that when we do something wrong we should ask for forgiveness and we should learn to forgive others when they do things that upset us.
‘Heavenly Father, may thy blessing’ (Come and Praise, 62)
Publication date: June 2009 (Vol.11 No.6) Published by SPCK, London, UK.