To understand that if we are aware of bullying taking place, we must ‘tell’ an adult.
by Annabel Humphries
Suitable for Key Stage 2
To understand that if we are aware of bullying taking place, we must ‘tell’ an adult.
Preparation and materials
Prepare children to perform the play.
- Prepare the option cards (see play).
- Ask the children to suggest types of bullying that may occur. Suggestions may include name calling, physical or emotional hurt, demands for money. The emphasis must be on these actions being repeatedly carried out.
- Ask three children to perform the following play. Several more can be involved as part of a ‘gang’.
The bully
Scene 1
Narrator: At St Stephen’s Primary School, Oliver Jenkinson was being picked on by Cathy Cokes. She constantly made fun of him. Cathy had a gang and she made her gang laugh at Oliver. Oliver was so worried about this that his school work was beginning to suffer. Oliver was a lot smaller than Cathy and he wore glasses. Cathy was big and bold and wasn’t scared of anything.
Cathy: Hi, Speccy! You OK?
Oliver (nervously): Erm … erm …
Cathy: What’s up? Cat got your tongue?
Oliver (pleading): Leave me alone, Cathy.
Cathy: Listen, Oliver, I’ve not done any homework for the past three weeks, so it’s YOUR job to do it, OK?
Narrator: Oliver is terrified and looks round for help.
Cathy: If you don’t, then my gang will be on to you. If you tell, then you’re a snitch and your punishment will be worse. Got it? - At this point ask four children to hold up the prepared option cards. The options are:
(a) Ignore Cathy’s threats and do nothing.
(b) Tell Cathy you will not do her homework.
(c) Tell an adult about it.
(d) Do what Cathy says.
The children should think about these options and vote on what they think what Oliver should do. - Scene 2
Narrator: After giving the situation some thought, Oliver has decided to tell someone about Cathy’s threats. He is very worried but knows that Cathy should not be treating him this way.
Oliver: Miss Hill, can I speak to you about something, please?
Miss Hill: Of course, Oliver. What can I do to help?
Oliver: Is it right that someone can make you do their homework for them?
Miss Hill: Of course not, Oliver. If someone is asking you to do that, you really should tell somebody. Do you want to tell me something, Oliver?
Oliver (relieved): I do, Miss Hill. Cathy has told me to do her homework for her and I know I’ll get into trouble if I don’t do it. Please don’t say I told you. I’ll get into terrible trouble if she finds out.
Miss Hill: I’m so glad you told me about this. Now that I know, I can do something about it and help you. Do you feel better, now you’ve told me?
Oliver: I do! - Pause for the following question to be posed to the children: Did Oliver do the right thing? Ask the children to vote ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and count the votes.
- Scene 3
Narrator: The next day Miss Hill is on playground duty, when she sees Cathy approach Oliver. Cathy looks cross.
Cathy: Where’s my homework, worm? I want it now.
Narrator: Miss Hill sees Cathy raise her fist to Oliver, and steps in quickly.
Miss Hill (calmly): Cathy. Can I have a quiet word, please? - As a footnote to this story, tell the children that Miss Hill talked at length with Cathy and her parents. It was discovered that Cathy actually had difficulty with her school work and was jealous of Oliver, and this presented itself as bullying.
- Ask the children who they can tell if they are being bullied. Most of the adults who have regular contact with the school should be mentioned. The emphasis is a person they feel comfortable with and someone they can trust.
Remind the children that if they feel anxious about bullying at all, they should TELL.
Time for reflection
Ask the children to think about the play that they’ve just seen, and some of the feelings that it stirred up within them.
Dear Lord,
Help us to accept each other’s differences.
Teach us to be tolerant of others and learn to build on friendships.
‘Make me a channel of your peace’ (Come and Praise, 147)
Publication date: February 2009 (Vol.11 No.2) Published by SPCK, London, UK.