Protective clothing
by Oliver Harrison
Suitable for Key Stage 2
To talk about how we look after ourselves and how God looks after us.
Preparation and materials
- You will need some motorbike gear, e.g. helmet, gloves, boots, jacket, hi-visibility day-glo vest, etc. (you may need to be resourceful to find these!).
- Talk about how the world can be a rough, tough place – for example, getting dirty/mucky when we’re out, falling over, even getting into fights. Sometimes we need protection to stop us getting hurt!
- Show the motorbike clothing: if possible, ask a child to come up and model it (a very small child looks hilarious and is good for a laugh, but an older child might think it’s cool to wear the biker stuff). Talk about each piece as you put it on; what it is and how it protects you.
- Say that some of the Bible was written by a man called Paul. One time Paul was under arrest and was being guarded by Roman soldiers. Paul used the soldier’s armour as a picture, or example, to talk about how he believed God protects us and defends us from evil. Paul said that truth is like a belt, and God’s word is like a sword.
- Bad things can happen to everyone, they’re part of life. But if we don’t join in with them and try not to do anything bad ourselves, and if we ask God to help us, then we will have the best protection possible – like wearing a Roman soldier’s armour or these motorbike clothes.
Time for reflection
As you take the protective clothing off the ‘model’, ask the children to name what they could stand for, in the way that Paul talked about the belt and the sword. For example:
A helmet – being truthful
Day-glo vest – being kind
Boots – smiling at people
May we all be strengthened by the kind words and good deeds that we share with others today.
‘When a knight won his spurs’ (Come and Praise, 50)
Publication date: September 2008 (Vol.10 No.9) Published by SPCK, London, UK.