To give an awareness of the differences between us and the developing world and to give thanks for the things we take for granted.
by Jan Edmunds
Suitable for Whole School (Pri)
To give an awareness of the differences between us and the developing world and to give thanks for the things we take for granted.
Preparation and materials
- This assembly is designed as a class presentation. It can be delivered to the whole school but is probably best presented by KS2 pupils.
- Read through the material and decide how you will divide it up for your speakers. The lines can be written on prompt cards. Divide the class into two groups facing the audience, the ‘Haves’ on one side and the ‘Have-nots’ on the other.
- The poem could be used for choral speaking. An OHP would be useful for everyone to be able to follow.
- This material could be linked to a project or charity connected to the developing world and can easily be expanded to include stories and other information that the children have researched.
Speaker 1: This morning we are going to think about children in the poorer countries of the world and compare our lives with theirs.
I live in a nice warm house made of bricks.
Speaker 2: My home is a hut made from sticks and mud.
Speaker 3: I am safe in my house with people to look after me.
Speaker 4: Soldiers came and burned down my house. We had to build another home.
Speaker 5: I have lots of food to eat every day, as well as sweets and chocolate treats.
Speaker 6: Some days there is not enough food. I have one meal a day if I am lucky.
Speaker 7: I can get water to drink from a tap in my house. I can have a bath or a shower.
Speaker 8: I have to walk a long way to fetch water from the river. We have to boil it to make it safe to drink. We also have to wash in the river.
Speaker 9: I have nice clothes to wear.
Speaker 10: I only have one set of clothes to wear and no shoes at all.
Speaker 11: I go to school every day so that I can learn to read and write.
Speaker 12: I go to school when I can but that’s not every day. I still cannot read and write but I want to learn.
Speaker 13: I go to school in a big car.
Speaker 14: I have to walk ten miles when I go to school.
Speaker 15: I have a computer and lots of toys to play with.
Speaker 16: I have a carved wooden toy that my father made for me. I don’t get much time to play as there are so many things I have to do to help my family.
Speaker 17: When we need food or other things we go to the shops.
Speaker 18: There are no shops here. We have to try and grow what food we can. Sometimes a lorry comes bringing food and clothes from kind people who want to help us.
Speaker 19: When I am ill I go to the doctor.
Speaker 20: If I am ill I have to wait until the doctor visits our village. This may only be once a month.
If time allows some teacher-led discussion could take place here.
by Jan Edmunds
(for choral speaking)
Our lives are very different, and yet we’re just the same.
But why is life so hard for some, and who’s really to blame?
We all need food to keep alive
And shelter’s a must to help us survive.
For some life is easy, for some life is tough.
For some life has plenty, for some not enough.
So let’s spare a thought for those people today
By trying to help them in some sort of way.
You could follow this by taking suggestions for how you can help, by fund-raising, giving to charity and building understanding, particularly about how communities facing difficulties are changing things for the better for themselves.
Time for reflection
Let us think today of the people who live in countries where there is not enough food.
Where there is war and cruelty and where many live in fear.
We hope that peace will come to those troubled areas and that one day people can live together without fighting.
Let us be thankful for our lives and for all the things we have that we take for granted.
Dear God,
We pray for a fairer world
and we ask that you will help us to do our part in bringing it about.
‘When I needed a neighbour’ (Come and Praise, 65)