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The pearl of great price

To think about what is really important in our lives.

by The Revd Guy Donegan-Cross

Suitable for Key Stage 2


To think about what is really important in our lives.

Preparation and materials

  • You will need a ‘pearl’ – e.g. a small ball, and some pictures or objects representing a house, car, speedboat, family, money, teddy bear.
  • You could start with quiz show type music.
  • You need to have three people primed to take part beforehand; notes for what you and they say are included at the end of the assembly.


  1. In the style of a TV quiz show presenter, tell the children that you have in your hand the most precious pearl in the world. Show them the pearl. Say that there are three contestants who want to gain the precious pearl.

    Invite the first ‘contestant’ forward, to a round of applause. Holding up the pictures/objects, ask the first contestant what they will give for the ‘pearl of great price’.

    Will you give up your house?
    and so on.

    The first contestant is primed to give up everything except money and the teddy bear. They need to agonize over it! Tell them to sit down, as you are sorry, but they cannot win.
  2. Invite the second contestant forward, to a round of applause. Holding up the pictures/objects, ask the second contestant what they will give for the pearl of great price.

    Will you give up your house?
    and so on.

    The second contestant is primed to give up everything except the teddy bear. They really need to agonize over it! Tell them to sit down, as you are sorry, but they cannot win.
  3. Invite the third contestant forward, to a round of applause. They are the last chance! Holding up the pictures/objects, ask the third contestant what they will give for the pearl of great price.

    Will you give up your house?
    and so on.

    Eventually, they agree to give up everything. They really, really need to agonize over it!

    They have won the pearl of great price! Give them an enormous round of applause!
  4. Just as they are about to sit down, call them back. As well as having the pearl, they will be given back the house, car, speedboat, family, money, and even the teddy bear, for safekeeping.
  5. Say that Jesus told the story of the person who gave up everything to know him. Christians believe that knowing God is worth everything in the world.

Time for reflection


What is really important to you?

Is it the things you have?

Or might it be the people you know, your family and your friends?

Is the sort of person you are more important than the things you have?

Are you a good friend, a good family member?

What is really important to you?


Dear God,

Help us to know what is most important in life.



‘Guess how I feel’ (Come and Praise, 89)

The Pearl of Great Price - Priming notes for contestants

Contestant 1

I am going to ask you in turn which of these things you will give up for the pearl.

Things you will give up:

  • House
  • Family
  • Speedboat
  • Racing car

Things you won’t give up:

  • All my money
  • Teddy bear

Contestant 2

I am going to ask you in turn which of these things you will give up for the pearl.

Things you will give up:

  • House
  • Family
  • Speedboat
  • Racing car
  • All my money

Things you won’t give up:

  • Teddy bear

Contestant 3

I am going to ask you in turn which of these things you will give up for the pearl.

Things you will give up:

  • House
  • Family
  • Speedboat
  • Racing car
  • All my money
  • Teddy bear
Publication date: November 2006   (Vol.8 No.11)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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