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The Wind of Whitsun

To think about the wind and relate it to Pentecost (Whitsun)

by Jan Edmunds

Suitable for Whole School (Pri)


To think about the wind and relate it to Pentecost (Whitsun).

Preparation and materials

  • This assembly could be taken by a class of children as a presentation to the rest of the school. The sentences could be split up and put on to cue cards according to the number of children taking part, and in this case some rehearsal will be necessary. Artwork could also be used to illustrate various points.


  1. Say to the children: Good morning, everyone. This morning we are going to tell you about the importance of the wind. We can have fun on a windy day flying a kite or windsurfing, although a fierce wind can be very frightening and do a lot of damage. Even before there was life on this planet, the sun, the moon, the wind and the rain were all here. Without these elements we could not exist.

  2. Land-based life needs air in order to breathe. The wind is moving air warmed by the sun. As the warm air rises cool air comes in to take its place. This makes the wind and breezes. We cannot see the wind, but we can see what it does as it blows through the trees, or we can hear it as it whistles in through windows or in overhead wires, and of course we can feel it on our faces and hands.

  3. (A group of children could make moaning and howling wind noises as the following poem is spoken, their voices rising and falling to complement the lines. Another group could hold up relevant pictures.)

    The Wind
    The wind blows hard from East to West
    From North to South without a rest.
    This moving air that’s all around
    As a gentle breeze makes a humming sound.
    But when it comes with a mighty force
    It blows the sailor off his course.
    And when the North wind starts to blow
    It very often brings the snow.
    A hurricane is so unkind
    Leaving destruction and chaos behind.
    We tend to know when the wind’s around,
    Signs of its work can always be found.
    It blows the washing ’til it’s dry.
    It steers the clouds across the sky.
    It scatters seeds, it bends the trees.
    It whips across the land and seas.
    And when it blows with all its might
    Its harnessed power can give us light.
    It works with the sun, it works with the rain,
    So that life as we know it on the earth shall remain.

  4. Some discussion could follow: you could suggest that the children might like to make up some poems back in class.

  5. There are many references to the wind in the Bible. In the New Testament it is described as ‘a mighty rushing wind’ (Acts 2).

    When Jesus went back to heaven on Ascension Day he promised that God would give the disciples the help they needed to teach people about him. On Whit Sunday, ten days afterwards, the disciples met to celebrate the Jewish feast of Pentecost, along with many others who had come to Jerusalem. Suddenly the sound of a mighty wind filled the building and tongues of fire rested on the heads of each one of them, and they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. They were then given the ability to speak in many different languages, so that they could communicate with people of all nations and spread the word of God. Those who witnessed this were amazed and on that day about 3,000 of them became believers.

Time for reflection


When we hear the wind howling outside we should be grateful that we are safe and secure in our nice warm homes. Let us not forget those who are less fortunate and have no shelter from the elements.


We thank you, God,

for the air we breathe,

for the sun, the moon,

the wind and the rain,

all influencing the weather and life on our earth.

Teach us how to live and work with these elements

to make our world a better, cleaner and safer place.


‘All creatures of our God and king’ (Come and Praise, 7, paying special attention to verse 2: ‘You rushing wind who are so strong…’)

Publication date: May 2005   (Vol.7 No.5)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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