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Whom Does God Love Best?

To show that God loves everybody in the same way, regardless of race, gender, wealth or circumstance

by Penny Hollander

Suitable for Whole School (Pri)


To show that God loves everybody in the same way, regardless of race, gender, wealth or circumstance.

Preparation and materials

  • You will need some pictures of children from around the world in different situations (see 1. below).


  1. Show the children the pictures/photographs of children across the world and explain the circumstances in which they live, e.g.:

    Children from the school – perhaps engaged in some school activity or members of the school council.

    Children from different cultures and countries, including those affected by war – child soldiers in places like Sierra Leone or those in an area affected by some natural disaster, such as the recent tsunami or famine.

    Where there are racial or religious tensions, such as among Israelis and Palestinians or in Zimbabwe.

    Give a brief outline of the circumstances of each.

  2. Ask the children, which group of children does God love best and why? You could make a list of the responses or even hold a vote.

  3. Explain that in the New Testament Paul, one of the early leaders of the church, wrote a series of letters to Christians in different parts of the world to encourage them when they faced difficulties or argued among themselves. He taught them about what Jesus had said when he was on earth. In one letter Paul wrote: ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 2.28).

    You could point out that even in this country some religious leaders still don’t want men and women to be equal.

Time for reflection


Invite the children to look at the pictures again and also to think about themselves and how fortunate they are to have so many opportunities. Is there anything they can do to bring about a more equal world?


(Invite the children to join in this responsive prayer.)
Thank you, Lord, that you love everyone in the world.

Including me, thank you.

Thank you that when people do wrong you still continue loving them.

Including me, thank you.

It doesn’t matter whether we have a lot or a little, you still keep on loving everyone.

Including me, thank you.

Your love for everyone never comes to an end.

Including me, thank you.


‘Rejoice in the Lord always’ (Come and Praise, 95)

Publication date: May 2005   (Vol.7 No.5)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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