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What a Lot of Puddings!

Believing in the Resurrection

by Janice Ross

Suitable for Key Stage 2


To consider Thomas’ need for proof of Jesus’ resurrection.

Preparation and materials

  • You will need the PowerPoint slides that accompany this assembly (What a Lot of Puddings!) and the means to display them.
  • You will also need one or two children to read the Bible passages in the ‘Assembly’, Step 7.


  1. Ask the children whether any of them have a favourite pudding.

    Listen to a range of responses.

  2. Tell the children that you are going to show them some popular puddings and then hold a vote to see which is their favourite.

  3. Show Slides 1-5.

    The slides show treacle sponge pudding, lemon meringue pie, raspberry pavlova, fruit salad and apple pie.

    Pause to allow the children to comment on the puddings if appropriate.

  4. Show Slide 6.

    Hold a vote to determine which is the favourite pudding.

  5. Show Slide 7.

    Ask the children whether they have ever heard the phrase ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’.

    Ask the children to suggest what this might mean. (Responses might include that the pudding is only good if it tastes good.)

    Identify that we can only judge the quality of a pudding by tasting it. It might look delicious and smell amazing, but looks can be deceiving. We can only judge the quality of something after we have tried it.

  6. Explain that we can apply the ‘proof of the pudding’ idea to other situations, and that another word for ‘proof’ is ‘evidence’.

    Ask the children to consider the meaning behind the following statements.

    - It looks like an excellent beach . . . but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    Listen to a range of responses.

    Responses should be along the lines of, ‘The sand looks really soft and clean, and the sea looks really inviting, but until I’ve built a sandcastle and paddled in the sea, I won’t know for sure.’

    - This new board game looks wonderful . . . but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    Listen to a range of responses.

    Responses should be along the lines of, ‘The picture on the board looks really fun and I love the playing pieces, but until I’ve read the instructions and played it with my friends, I can’t be sure.’

  7. Explain that we are now going to explore a special passage in the Bible that tells us what happened a few days after Jesus had died on a cross.

    Jesus’ disciples were very excited. They were no longer hiding in an upstairs room; instead, they were out and about, telling everyone they met that Jesus was alive! They had heard the news from Mary and rushed to the tomb to find the body missing. Then, they had actually seen and talked to Jesus. They had even had breakfast with him. The evidence was there: Jesus was alive! But the disciple Thomas hadn’t been with the others when they had seen Jesus.

    Read, or ask a child to read, the Bible passage John 20.24-25.

    Point out that when the other disciples told Thomas their news about seeing Jesus, he was doubtful. His response was along the lines of ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’. In other words, Thomas needed evidence.

    Ask the children, ‘What evidence did Thomas say that he would need?’

    Read, or ask a child to read, the Bible passage John 20.26-28.

    Thomas had his proof. Jesus was alive again!

Time for reflection

Thomas had a questioning mind. He was someone who needed proof for everything, and Jesus gave him the proof that he wanted.

Let’s reflect for a few moments on what Jesus went on to tell Thomas about believing.

Show Slide 8 and read out the words on the slide.

‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’ (John 20.29)

Although we might not be able to see Jesus in person today, many Christians speak about having a relationship with him. They believe that Jesus is alive in heaven and that they can talk to him at any time.

Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the Bible, which tells us of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Thank you that even today, millions of people around the world believe in Jesus.
Please help us to believe, even though we can’t see you.


‘Resurrection Day’ by Riverside Worship, available at: (2.33 minutes long)

‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Jesus Christ is now alive’ by Emu Kids, available at: (2 minutes long)

Publication date: April 2023   (Vol.25 No.4)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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