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Days Out

An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive

Suitable for Key Stage 1


To encourage us to think about others and the importance of sharing.

Preparation and materials

  • You will need a pretend car made out of chairs, which several children can sit in during the assembly.

  • You will also need a cardboard box or picnic hamper. This should contain a rug, some plates, some pretend food and so on.


  1. Have the car set up at the front as the children enter the room. Ask the children what they think it is.

    After it has been established that the chairs represent a car, invite some children to come and sit in the car.

  2. Ask the children in the car to act as if they are going on a day out.

    Ask the other children what they do if they are going on a long journey. Do they take something to do to keep them occupied? Do they sing?

  3. Show the cardboard box/picnic hamper to the children in the car.

    Ask the children in the car to pretend that they have arrived at their destination. Now, you want them to set up a picnic and pretend to eat the food.

    Hopefully, the children will work together to set up the rug, get out the plates and share out the food.

    Comment on how well the children are working together and how well they are sharing.

  4. Ask the children why sharing is important.

    Listen to a range of responses.

  5. Ask if any of the children can share a time when they have been pleased because someone has shared with them. Ask what it felt like.

Time for reflection

Remind the children that all of us are very fortunate. We all have places to live, clean water, toys and food. We can keep everything we have for ourselves. However, when we do this, it doesn’t make us happy. Great enjoyment can be found in sharing what we have with others. Games are more enjoyable when we play them with friends. Meals are more fun when we eat together. Our possessions give us more satisfaction when they are shared.

Point out that all of us are fortunate. There are many people in the world who do not have enough food or clean water or a home to live in. There are many places in the world where wars are happening and where people are frightened. Encourage the children to think about these places and to be willing to help when they can. You may wish to link this assembly with a charity project to which the school is committed.

Dear God,
Thank you for all the wonderful things that we have and use.
Help us to remember that some people do not have as much as we do.
Help us to share our time, our happiness and the things that we have with those around us and those who need them.


‘Thank you, Lord’ (Come and Praise, 32)

Follow-up ideas

  • Read or tell the story of the feeding of the 5,000 (see Matthew 14.13-21, Mark 6.30-44 and Luke 9.10-17). Encourage the children to see how lots of people benefited because one person was prepared to share.

  • Discuss things that the children share. Encourage them to distinguish between things that are easy to share and things that we find more difficult to share. Think about some things that we all share: our school, the playground, our city/town/village and the world. Think about things that we can and should share easily, such as our smiles. With other things, we may need to think more carefully about sharing.
Publication date: May 2022   (Vol.24 No.5)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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