The Life of Florence Nightingale
Assembly to accompany the book ‘A World of Difference’ by Bob Hartman, delivered free to schools in October 2017
Suitable for Key Stage 1
To consider the life of Florence Nightingale.
Preparation and materials
You will need the book A World of Difference by Bob Hartman, delivered free to schools in October 2017. The story of Florence Nightingale can be found on pages 35-40.
You will need an image of Florence Nightingale and the means to display it during the assembly. An example is available at:
Have available some images of different types of hospital worker and their uniforms. You will also need the means to display these during the assembly. Examples could include:
- hospital uniforms, available at:
- a physiotherapist, available at:
- a nurse, available at:
- a dietician, available at:
- a doctor, available at:
- a cleaner, available at:
Ask the children if any of them have ever stayed in hospital or visited someone who was in hospital.
Ask the children to think of people who work in a hospital. Ask the children to describe what those people do.Listen to a range of responses.
Show the images of different types of hospital worker and their uniforms.
For the pictures that show different types of hospital worker, ask the following questions.
- What is the job of the person in the picture?
- Why is their job important? -
Explain that today, hospitals have many people who contribute to helping a patient get better. All of them have a vital role to play. However, many years ago, hospitals were very different. A long time ago, there were no qualified nurses and many doctors didn’t understand much about diseases and how they spread.
Read the story of Florence Nightingale found in the book A World of Difference, pages 35-40.
Time for reflection
Show the image of Florence Nightingale.
Florence Nightingale was 17 years old when she decided that God was asking her to be a nurse. It was an unusual profession for a young woman at the time, but she was determined that she would work hard to achieve her goal and become the best nurse possible. She is a great example of someone who spent her life helping others, sometimes in very difficult situations.
Do we ever find things difficult?
Do we sometimes feel like giving up?
Do we ever think about how we can help the people whom we meet every day?
Dear God,
Thank you for all those who care for us when we are sick.
Thank you for all the people who work in hospitals.
Thank you for people who spend their lives helping other people to get better.
Please help us to look for ways to help others.
Please help us to care for those in need.
Further resources
Further resources can be found at:
- Florence Nightingale - the Lady with the Lamp
- Florence Nightingale - uniforms
- Florence Nightingale - discussion questions
- Florence Nightingale - extra activities
More resources about Florence Nightingale are available at: and