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Celebrating God’s Creation – Looking at Bulbs

An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive

Suitable for Whole School (Pri) - Church Schools


To use the analogy of bulbs to consider our own uniqueness.

Preparation and materials

  • You will need a selection of different types of flowers, some seeds and some bulbs. If possible, have a flower that has been pulled up out of the ground so that its roots are still attached.

  • You will also need to read the ‘Parable of the Sower’ in Matthew 13.1-23 and the Bible passage, Matthew 6.25-34.


  1. Show the flowers to the children. Ask some volunteers to come to the front and describe what they see in detail. Ask them to consider the shape of the flower and its size, colour, scent and appearance. Point out that each flower is unique, special and beautiful.

  2. Show the bulbs and seeds to the children. Ask them what sorts of flowers they think will grow from these. If possible, show the flower that has its roots still attached.

  3. Point out that a bulb or seed is usually hidden below the ground. We just see what grows from it, the beautiful flower. In the same way, when people look at us, they cannot see what is in our minds or in our hearts, they only see our lives and our actions. If our minds and hearts are right, our actions will be good and beautiful. If that is the case, other people will notice this.

  4. In the Bible, Jesus tells a story about the importance of learning about God and living in a way that is helpful and beautiful for other people.

    Read the ‘Parable of the Sower’ in Matthew 13.1-23.

Time for reflection

Encourage the children to think about the beauty of flowers and explain why flowers are special. 

Read the passage from Matthew 6.25-34.

Remind the children that they are far more precious to God than the beautiful, special flowers. They don’t need to worry about God taking care of them.

Dear God,
Thank you for the beauty of the world around us.
Please help us to care for it.
Thank you for caring about us.
Thank you that, in your eyes, we are beautiful.


‘Light up the fire’ (Come and Praise, 55)

Publication date: October 2023   (Vol.25 No.10)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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