Someone Special
An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive
Suitable for Whole School (Pri) - Church Schools
To provide opportunities to think about special people in the school community and to use this as a starting point to reflect upon Jesus as a special person.
Preparation and materials
You will need to arrange for a number of staff, such as the site supervisor, welfare staff, school crossing patrol officer and cook, to be present at the assembly. These adults should be out of sight at the beginning of the assembly. You will also need several children, each of whom should introduce one of these people.
You will also need chairs arranged in pairs at the front of the room for the special visitors and the children who are introducing them to sit on.
Arrange a reader to read Mark 9.33-37, which speaks about the theme 'Who is the most important?'
Optional: you may like the children to prepare a statement describing why each visitor is special in the school. This could be read out in part 3 of the assembly below.
At the beginning of the assembly, only the leader should be present at the front - the other participants should be waiting out of sight. Begin by explaining to the children that there are many special people who help in a school. Ask if the children can suggest any names. After listening to a few responses, tell the children that there are some special guests who are waiting to join the assembly.
Invite the visitors and the children who are introducing them to sit on the seats at the front. Ask those children to introduce the special people.
After the visitors have been introduced, the leader should ask each of them in turn to tell the children how long they have been at the school and something about their particular role. -
If statements have been prepared about the visitors, ask the children who introduced the visitors to read them out.
It takes many people to make a school run well. The people who work hard behind the scenes are as important as those who are seen every day at the forefront of everything that happens!
Sing the song, 'He's got the whole world'. Point out that the song reminds us that everything in the world has a special place and that everyone in the school is special in some way. Draw attention to the last verse, 'He's got everybody here in his hand'.
Ask the children to think about whether being special also means being important. While they are thinking, ask them to listen to the Bible reading, 'Who is the most important?'
Explain that being a special person does not mean being the most important person. Jesus had to remind his disciples that special people look after others and put other people before themselves. Jesus was a special person and he reminded his disciples that children are very special, too.
Time for reflection
Ask the children to recall that the special people who were introduced at the beginning were all people who help and care for others in the school community - and that is why they are all special.
Dear God,
Thank you for all the special people who care for us at home and at school.
Please help us to think about how we can help others.
Help us to remember that we don't need to be important to be special.
Help us to remember to say thank you to the people who help us every day.
'He's got the whole world' (Come and Praise, 19)
Curriculum links
Creative writing and poetry: explore the theme, 'Someone Special'.
Art: everyone is special - look in the mirror and paint self-portraits.
RE (Upper Primary): read stories about Jesus as a special person, helping and caring for others; consider how children are special by looking at naming ceremonies to welcome new babies in, for example, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism.