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Prayers in a Time of War

To provide a prayer resource during the hostilities in Iraq

by Gordon Lamont

Suitable for Whole School (Pri)


To provide a prayer resource during the current hostilities in Iraq.

Preparation and materials

  • This assembly provides a number of prayers, some written by adults, others by children. Please choose and use any that seem appropriate for your situation.
  • We hope to add to the resource in the days to come, so if you have any prayers, particularly written by children, please send them to assemblies@ putting Prayer in the subject line.

Time for reflection


Dear God,
We pray for anyone we know who is in any way involved in the war -
please be with them and let them know that we care for them.
We pray for everyone in the armed services of the countries involved in this war -
please be with them and let them know that we care for them.
We pray for the Iraqi people -
please be with them and let them know that we care for them.
We pray for the people who work for peace at the United Nations -
please be with them and let them know that we care for them.
We pray for everyone in school and at home who is worried about the war -
please be with them and let them know that we care for them.

God of all people,
Come to us with peace
In our hearts
Come to us with peace
For our school
Come to us with peace
For our world

Dear God,
People are sad but one day they will smile again.
People are worried, but one day they will know joy again.
People are at war but one day they will be a peace again.
Dear God, let that day come quickly.

Dear God,
Help the leaders of the world to learn from this war.

The following are prayers from children aged 6 & 7 at St Ebbes School, Oxford.

Dear Lord,
Help us to be kind,
to love each other,
to talk things over
and have peace.

Dear God,
Thank you for the world.
Help us keep it safe.

Psalm from 11 September 2001

This adaptation was originally written on 11 September 2001. You may find the words helpful at this time of war.

When terrible things happen it can help to remember that people throughout the ages have suffered terribly but have still managed to recover. This old poem (psalm) from the Bible was written about 3,000 years ago. Sometimes it just helps to know that other people have been through the same sort of experience and felt the same kind of things. Ask the children to think of the people involved in war while they listen.

Hear my prayer, O Lord
O Lord, hear my cry.
Do not hide from me, O Lord
Hear me and answer me, I pray.
My days are grey and sad like smoke
My bones hurt
My heart is sad
I don't want to eat
I can't do anything.
I feel so sad, so lonely
I am like a little bird that pecks around a wasteland
Nothing to eat, nothing to drink
A shadow is over all my life.
But, whatever, you're still God
You go on and on and you don't change
Things will change for me
They will get better
Like the sun you will rise and help me
I know you will.
Publication date: 2003   (Vol.5)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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