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A Faithful Creator

by Janice Ross

Suitable for Key Stage 1


To consider the meaning of faithfulness and how the faithfulness of God is displayed in creation.

Preparation and materials

  • Some autumn leaves
  • Google image of a busy beach scene, and one of a beach with the tide out
  • Binoculars
  • Two older children to take part in the scripts
  • Bible quote (Genesis 8.22)


  1. Ask the following questions:

    Do you like trees? How do they make you feel? Do you like climbing them?

    Do you like the sea? Have you ever been at the seaside? What do you like doing there?

    Do you like to look at the stars? Do you know the names of any stars?

  2. Act out the following scenario:

    Child: (comes in looking upset)

    Teacher: What’s wrong . . .?

    Child: (shows gathered autumn leaves) I’m upset because I found these under a lovely tree in the park where I had a picnic in the summer.

    Teacher: The colours are very pretty.

    Child: But the leaves are beginning to die and soon the tree will be dead. There will be no more picnics under this lovely tree.

    Ask the children if this is true, and identify that this is what always happens in autumn. The tree will sprout fresh leaves in spring next year. It has always been this way ever since God made trees. The Bible puts it this way:

    ‘As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.’ (Genesis 8.22)

  3. For the next scenario, show image of beach with tide in. Did anyone play on a beach in the summer holiday?

    Show image of beach with tide out.

    Teacher: 'Oh no, the sea has gone, we’ll never be able to paddle again!'

    Ask the children if this is true, and identify that this is what always happens every day. The tide comes in and goes out, and comes in and goes out. It has always been this way ever since God made the sea. (Apart from the story of Noah, of course!)

  4. Act out the next scenario:

    (comes in holding binoculars and looking upset)

    Teacher: What’s wrong?

    Child: I’m upset because I took my binoculars outside last night to look at the stars, and they have disappeared. They used to be so beautiful and now they are all gone. I’ll never see them twinkle again.

    Ask the children if this is true, and identify that the stars are always there. Sometimes clouds might hide the stars and even the sun and the moon from our sight for a time. It has always been this way ever since God made the stars.

  5. Christians believe that God made the trees, the waves and the stars, and that God is a faithful God. That means God is reliable; it means that you can depend on him to always be the same, always to be there, a God who never changes.

Time for reflection

Choose one thing you saw today that reminds you of God’s faithfulness.

Dear God,
Thank you for your beautiful creation and for what it teaches us about your faithfulness.
Thank you that you made it because you liked it and you want us to enjoy it too.
Help us to look after your beautiful creation.

Publication date: September 2015   (Vol.17 No.9)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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