How Do We Fit In?
An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive
Suitable for Key Stage 1
To look at ‘fitting in’ and the importance of being ourselves.
Preparation and materials
- Have available a copy of the book Henry’s Baby by Mary Hoffman. In the story, Henry wants to fit in with the ‘in crowd’, but he doesn’t have the right clothes, run fast enough or use the computer well enough. In the end, though, his friends are won over by something as simple as having a baby brother.
Alternatively, you could use the book Elmer by David McKee. - Optional: you may wish to have available some images associated with times when something new happened, in which case you will also need the means to display them during the assembly.
- Encourage the children to share some memories of when they found themselves in new places or meeting new people. Perhaps they joined a new school, changed class or visited a club such as Beavers or football for the first time.
- Ask the children if they can remember anyone who made them feel welcome.
Point out how helpful it is when people make us feel that they like us, when they try to help us fit in and be part of the new group. - Ask if the children can remember what they did to try to fit in and get people to like them.
Ask the children, ‘What does it feel like when we think we don’t fit in?’
Listen to a range of responses. - Read the story Henry’s Baby or Elmer.
Time for reflection
Henry’s Baby/Elmer has an important message: it’s not what we have that matters, but who we are and what we are like that really counts.
The story that we just heard is also a challenge as to how we make those around us feel.
Let’s try to make people feel especially welcome today.
Let’s try to speak to someone in school whom we don’t know well.
Let’s be on the look-out for people who need a friend.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for my friends.
Thank you for people who matter to me: my class, my family and my friends.
Help me when I don’t feel like I am fitting in.
Help me to be kind, happy and thoughtful to others and help them to feel good about themselves.
‘Kum ba ya’ (Come and Praise, 68)
‘When I needed a neighbour’ (Come and Praise, 65)
Follow-up ideas
- Explore further the children’s ideas about what qualities are needed to be a good friend.
- Find out about Jesus’ friends. He chose 12 special friends to be his helpers. Read Luke 5.1–11, which tells how Jesus called his first followers; Luke 6.12–16, which describes Jesus gathering together his other followers; and Luke 6.27–31, which tells how Jesus wanted his friends to live their lives.
- Sometimes, people don’t seem to fit in, but if we give them some of our time and a chance to be our friends, we might be surprised. Remind the children of the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19.1–10), who surprised a lot of people when he was given the opportunity.