Valuing our senses: Hearing
Suitable for Whole School (Pri)
To look at the sense of hearing and just how valuable it is to us.
Preparation and materials
- Prepare a 'loop' of three pieces of music – classical, contemporary/pop and one the children can relate to, such as one they have been dancing to in PE or music lessons – and have the means to play it during the assembly.
- Either use an existing game of sound lotto or prepare your own by gathering some sounds and images that match the sounds.
- As the children come in, play the 'loop' of three pieces of music you prepared.
Once they have sat down, play it again and listen to the pieces individually. Ask the children what they think of when they hear each piece of music, which one they like best and why. - We have five main senses – touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell. Can the children tell which sense we are going to be thinking about?
- Play a game of sound lotto. Give each class or group at least one picture that they are to bring to the front when they hear the corresponding sound being played.
- From just the sounds they have heard today it is clear that there are so many different sounds in our world. How fortunate we are to be able to hear them.
Time for reflection
There are so many happy sounds we love to hear.
Laughter, friends chatting.
The front door opening, which tells us that someone we love has come home.
Dear Lord,
Help us to say kind words and make happy sounds that other people will enjoy hearing.
When we hear sounds that scare us or make us sad, help us to be brave.
Thank you, Lord, for our sense of hearing.
Ideas to develop through the week
- Not all sounds are happy sounds. Gather the children's ideas of sounds they hear that make them feel sad. Repeat the activity for happy sounds. It is good to know that a happy sound can often follow a sad sound and change the way people feel – kind words after crying, for example.
- When people tell stories, we listen and enjoy them. Jesus was a great storyteller. People loved to listen to him. If they had not heard what he was telling them, their lives might not have been so happy. Use the parable of the sower (Mark 4.1–20, Matthew 13.1–9 or in The Story Keepers video series, Episode 3, ‘Catacomb Rescue’). It is important that we listen and act, make sure we really hear what people say to us. We are lucky to be able to hear – let's make the most of our precious gifts.
Related activities
- What is the world like for people who can’t hear? What could hearing people do to be more aware and helpful? What can they teach us about using our other senses?
- Visit to find out about hearing dogs for the deaf.
- The Story Keepers video and book series is based on an idea as to how the gospel story was kept alive, before it was written down, which must have involved people telling of their experiences of Jesus and his teaching. Find out more at:
Publication date: May 2014 (Vol.16 No.5) Published by SPCK, London, UK.