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SEAL - New Beginnings

Support for Video Users

Suitable for Whole School (Pri)

New beginnings

Support for video users

We recommend that you watch each assembly before using it with your group.

Each assembly includes the main story content, followed by a reflection with a short period of 'thinking time' built in. You may, of course, wish to extend this time after the video ends.

New Beginnings 1


Harry is a dog who lives with Ginny, a web designer. When Ginny's computer mouse stops working, she orders a new one from the Merthyr Merlin Magical Mouse Co. Harry soon discovers that Megan Mouse is indeed magical - she can take him to any place shown on the computer screen!

After landing in the countryside, Harry soon gets stuck up a tree. Will Megan Mouse be able to rescue him?

This video lasts about 6 minutes.

 New Beginnings - DVD Cover


The reflections include:

  • getting to know new people;
  • thinking about what's new in our lives.


Here are some song suggestions for all five assemblies (all songs are from Come and Praise, BBC 1978):

'One more step' (47)
'Thank you, Lord, for this new day' (32)
'Father, hear the prayer we offer' (48)
'God is love' (36)
'He's got the whole world' (19)
'Morning has broken' (1)
'The journey of life' (45)
'The Lord's Prayer' (51)
'When I needed a neighbour' (65)
'Cross over the road' (70)


Lord God, we thank you for all the new things in our lives:
for the people,
for our new classes,
for the opportunity to make new friends.
Today, we remember all those children who are feeling uncertain
or even a bit scared.
Help them to know that this school is a good place to be.

New Beginnings 2


Harry and Megan's countryside adventure continues, but Harry is getting more and more unhappy. Will they be out all night? Will Megan get eaten by a giant snail at the end of the garden? Time will tell.

This video lasts about 6 minutes.


The reflections include:

  • thinking about why we sometimes say unkind things to our friends;
  • thinking about how new friendships can become more complicated than they seem at first...


Lord God, we thank you for all the new things in our lives:
for the people,
for our new classes,
for the opportunity to make new friends.
Help us, as we get to know our new friends more closely,
to enjoy the things that make us different from one another.

New Beginnings 3


Harry and Megan's countryside adventure concludes. Megan fears that she will have to return without Harry after he runs off in an attempt to find his way home. Will Megan find Harry before Ginny gets back to her office? Or will Harry return without Megan?

This video lasts about 6 minutes.


The reflections include:

  • listening and taking advice from people who are wiser than we are;
  • learning that new friendships can be fun in ways we don't anticipate.


Lord God, we thank you for all the new things in our lives:
for the people,
for our new classes,
for the opportunity to make new friends.
Help us to learn from friends and other people who are wiser than we are,
and to act upon their advice.

New Beginnings 4


Harry and Megan leap into another adventure, this time at the seaside. Harry loves the beach and, once again, his enthusiasm leads to a bit of a problem.

This video lasts about 6 minutes.


The reflection is about enjoying new places and new situations.

Lord God, we thank you for all the new places in our lives:
for new experiences,
for new friends.
Help us to enjoy new places and new situations,
and to be kind to others who find them more difficult.

New Beginnings 5


Harry and Megan's seaside adventure concludes. Harry is stuck in an ice-cream tub and Megan has to free him before it's time to go back...


The reflections include:

  • enjoying our new friendships;
  • exploring new places with new friends.


Lord God, we thank you for all the new places in our lives:
for the people,
for the places,
for the opportunity to be with new friends.
Help us to enjoy our friends and make the most of being with them.

Harry and Megan

Written and directed by Gordon Lamont

Harry: Olly Taylor
Megan: Ronni Lamont

Assistant puppeteer: Matt Hutchinson
Production runner: Ben Wells
Produced by Gordon Lamont and Olly Taylor
Consulting for Ronni Lamont

Video content is copyright © AV

Publication date: December 2011   (Vol.13 No.12)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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