It won't fail because of me
Space video 1: ‘It won’t fail because of me’ gives an introduction to the crew and mission of Apollo 11’s moon landing, with the challenges faced along the way. (4 min 35 sec)
Suitable for Key Stage 2
It Won't Fail Because of Me
(4 min 35 sec)
(View here or at
The assembly follows a complete arc, with reflective content towards the end.
You may, of course, wish to extend this after the video ends. See below for ideas.
We recommend that you watch the assembly before using it with your group.
Some of the material may appear to be of poor quality - this is because of the age of the images used.
'It won't fail because of me' gives an introduction to the crew and mission of Apollo 11's moon landing, with the challenges faced along the way. The assembly emphasizes the huge number of people who were involved in sending Apollo 11 to the moon, with many in each team adopting the motto 'It won't fail because of me'.
Teamwork relies on us all pulling our weight.
Teamwork and interdependence.
SEAL themes
Primary theme 4: Going for goals
Primary theme 6: Relationships
Secondary theme 3: Keep on learning/motivation
The Planets by Holst
Any electronic music, such as ‘Oxygene’ by Jean-Michel Jarre
‘He’s got the whole world’ (Come and Praise, 9)
‘All creatures of our God and King’ (Come and Praise, 7)
‘He gave me eyes so I could see’ (Come and Praise, 18)
‘Father, hear the prayer we offer’ (Come and Praise, 48)
‘God in his love for us’ (Come and Praise, 76)
‘The bell of creation’ (Come and Praise, 86)
Time for reflection
(Light a candle and allow the students to think about what they have just seen and heard.)
Let's spend a moment thinking about all the teams and groups which we are involved in:
groups where we depend on other people being there for us and other people depend on us being there for them;
teams where we work together;
projects that we work on together.
Let's be thankful for all the people who keep their commitment to each one of us.
Let's recommit ourselves to all that we are involved in.
Help me to think of those words,
'It won't fail because of me',
at times when it gets tough, difficult, hard.
Help me not to be the link in the chain that fails.