To wonder about the nature of God.
by Angie Shackleton
Suitable for Key Stage 2
To wonder about the nature of God.
Preparation and materials
- This assembly is a script, designed to be read by children.
- You will need an image of the ‘Eye of God nebula’.
Reader 1 For our assembly, we have been thinking about GOD.
To help us think about this, we used five questions: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY and WHERE.
First of all, WHO is God?
Reader 2 God is the Creator, who made the whole universe.
God is the ruler of the universe.
God is our father, of all humanity.
To Christians, God is three-in-one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Reader 3 Hindus believe that there is one true God, the supreme spirit, called Brahman. He has three main forms: Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer.
Reader 4 Sikhs believe that God cannot be described and is neither male nor female.
Reader 5 The Quran says: ‘God: there is no deity save Him, the Ever-Living, the Fount of All Being’.
Reader 1 Our next question is: WHAT is God?
Reader 6 God is OMNIPOTENT. This means that God is all-powerful, more powerful than anything in the universe.
The Bible tells us that God created human beings ‘in his own image’. Does this mean that we look like God?
Reader 7 A long time ago, artists painted God as an old man with long flowing hair and a beard.
The truth is that no one knows what God looks like.
Reader 8: But we know that God is our friend.
God is perfect, forgiving and fearless.
God is worthy of all praise.
For this reason, we will now sing ‘How great is our God’. Please stand.
Reader 1 Please sit. (Wait)
We now move on to WHEN. WHEN did God come to exist?
Reader 9 People of all faiths believe that God has always existed, even before the universe was created.
Some Bibles begin with: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.’
Reader 10 For Sikhs, God is timeless and is the eternal truth.
Reader 11 In Islam, it is written that Allah is the one God of all time.
Reader 12 So God has no beginning and no end. He is everlasting.
Reader 1 Next we ask, WHERE is God?
Readers 13 and 14 Christians and Muslims say that God/Allah is OMNIPRESENT: God is everywhere.
Reader 15 We may think that God is in heaven, wherever heaven is!
Reader 16 Is heaven in space? We found this image of something amazing. (Show the image.) It is called ‘The eye of God’.
Scientists say that it is a nebula – a cluster of stars. But as we don’t know what God looks like, or where God is – could this be God, watching over us all?
Reader 1 Our last question is WHY – WHY does God exist?
This is the hardest question of all!
Reader 17 But we think that God is here to look after us all, to love and protect us.
Reader 18 God helps us, God forgives us.
Reader 19 It is said that God has the name of everyone who lives, and who has ever lived, written on the palms of his hands.
Reader 20 God sees all, and knows all. He is OMNISCIENT.
Time for reflection
Keep the ‘Eye of God’ projected during the following.
Let us pray.
I hear no voice, I feel no touch,
I see no glory bright;
But yet I know that God is near,
In darkness as in light.
God watches ever by my side,
And hears my whispered prayer:
A God of love for every child
Both night and day does care.
As we thought about where God is, we decided that he is with each and every one of us. For that reason we have chosen this song to sing for you.
As the children leave, play ‘Next To Me’ by Emeli Sandé (widely available to download).
‘Jesus, good above all other’ (Come and Praise, 23)
‘How great is our god’ (http://www.worddesire.com/lyrics/how_great_is_our_god_how_great_is_his_name)