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To remind students of the joy of new things and the opportunities for change that each new day brings (SEAL theme 1: New beginnings).

by Helen Redfern

Suitable for Key Stage 1/2


To remind students of the joy of new things and the opportunities for change that each new day brings (SEAL theme 1: New beginnings).

Preparation and materials

  • A Four readers and some simple props if required (Playstation, or similar game, chocolate spread, ‘wellies’, notebook, large sketch pad and pen).


  1. Leader  Isn’t ‘new’ a wonderful word? Full of excitement and anticipation. Overflowing with happiness and opportunity. Aren’t new things wonderful? Here are some great examples.

    Reader 1  When I get a new Playstation, I get so excited. I can’t wait to take the wrapper off and open the box. The disk is so shiny with no scratches or fingerprints. It’s amazing.

    Reader 2  I love being the first to open a jar of chocolate spread. Opening the lid and peeling back the gold is so exciting. Being the first to stick my knife into the perfectly smooth chocolaty surface is the best thing ever.

    Reader 3  One morning in winter, I woke up and looked out the window and saw the most incredible sight. The garden was covered in perfect clean, untouched new snow. I couldn’t wait to race downstairs and get my wellies on. I threw open the door and was filled with happiness when I walked out on to this white perfection.

    Reader 4  My favourite thing is getting a new exercise book at school. I write my name as carefully as I can on the front. I love opening the book for the first time and writing the first words on a brand new page.
  2. Leader  We all know the joy of new things. Nothing is more exciting than a blank sheet of paper (sketchbook and pen in hand). I’m learning how to draw . . . what do you think of this? (Draw a cat badly.) You’re right, it’s not very good. I think I’ll tear that page out and start again. What about this one? (Draw another cat less badly but not particularly well.) Still not good enough? I’ll tear that page out and start again. (Draw a much better cat.) There, that’s much better. I think I’ll keep that picture and do some more work on it later.

    Isn’t it great to be able to start again when we mess up and make a mistake? It’s like having a new blank sheet of paper to try again on. Life is like that, too.
  3. Reader 1  At the start of this new year, I decided to try to eat more fruit and do more exercise. I’m doing pretty well and feel healthier already.

    Reader 2  I love turning my calendar over at the end of the month and starting a new page and a new month. This month, I’m trying to brush my teeth every morning and every night.

    Reader 3  If I’ve had a bad week, it’s lovely to lie in bed on a Sunday night and think about the new week ahead. This week, I’m trying to be more kind to my friends at school.

    Reader 4:  I always try to remember that every day is a new day. If I’ve made mistakes or done the wrong thing, then I can always try again the next day.

Time for reflection

Let’s take some time to think quietly about the happiness that new things can bring –
a new puppy, a new baby, a new toy, a new experience.
Let’s give thanks for these things.


Now let’s think about new opportunities that life brings –
a new year, a new month, a new week, a new day.
Take a moment to reflect on what you would like to change,
what you would like to do differently.


Remember, every day is like a blank sheet of paper.
Every day is a new opportunity.
How exciting is that?
Let’s go for it!

Listen to the words of this prayer and if you would like to, make them your own:

Father God,
we thank you for the happiness that new things can bring.
We thank you for new opportunities in our lives.
Help us to have the courage to bring change.
Help us to make a difference.
Thank you for new.

If you feel you need help with making a change, then do speak to a member of your family or a friend or a teacher. Sometimes we need support and encouragement to make a change.


‘Thank you, Lord, for this new day’ (Come and Praise, 32)

Publication date: September 2011   (Vol.13 No.9)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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