To explore the theme of love.
by Melanie Glover
Suitable for Key Stage 1
To explore the theme of love.
Preparation and materials
This class assembly needs some rehearsal – everyone can have a speaking part, take part in the drama, and/or perform to the songs.
- You need four flashcards marked: Special, Share, Care, Love.
- You need two tracks by Hi-5: ‘L-O-V-E’ (from The Best of Hi-5) and ‘How Much Do I Love You?’ (from Space Magic) (Hi-5 and Space Magic are on Channel Five most mornings).
Child 1: Good morning, everybody.
Child 2: Today’s assembly is by Class ___.
Child 3: In our class we have talked about our friends.
Child 4: Friends are very Special (holds up card).
Child 5: We Share with our friends (holds up card).
Child 6: We should Care for our friends and love them (holds up card).
Child 7: We Love our family as well as our friends (holds up card).
Child 8: Our mums, dads and families love us and look after us.
Child 9: Today we will tell you all about love.
Play the song ‘L-O-V-E’ by Hi-5. Children can sing along, with simple actions, e.g. playing and holding hands, L-O-V-E actions with hands and cards.
Child 10: I love ____________ because _____________
Child 11: I love ____________ because _____________
Child 12: I love ____________ because _____________
Child 13: I love ____________ because _____________
Child 14: I love ____________ because _____________
Child 15: Jesus taught us to love each other.
Child 16: Jesus said, ‘Love your neighbour.’
Child 17: This means that we should love all people.
Child 18: If we argue with someone we need to sort things out.
Child 19: We should even love people we do not always get on with.
Child 20: We want to give each class something to make us think about loving people.
Play the song ‘How Much Do I Love You?’ by Hi-5. Children can sing along, with simple actions, e.g. pushing prams, holding ‘babies’, grandparents and little boy on stage waving, etc. Children could hand out laminated hearts/chocolate hearts to teachers and any other adult present.
Child 21: When you love someone like your mum it makes you feel warm and happy inside.
Child 22: I love my baby sister and she hugs and kisses me. This makes me smile.
Child 23: I love my dog and he always licks me to tell me he loves me.
Child 24: When we have Circle Time in our classroom, we sit in a heart shape.
Child 25: This reminds us that our class is a family and we love each other. God is love.
Child 1: Sometimes a family might have a new baby.
Child 2: Here is a play about Esther and her family. Here is Esther. (Esther comes to the front with a teddy bear.)
Child 3: Esther’s mum is having a baby. (Esther’s mum walks on.)
Child 4: Esther’s dad is also very excited. (Dad walks on looking excited.)
Child 5: Esther’s mum and dad have been very busy.
Child 6: Dad has been painting the new baby’s nursery. (Dad mimes using paint roller and tray, looking happy.)
Child 7: Mum has been buying new clothes ready for when the baby comes. (Mum mimes taking clothes out of a carrier bag and places them in front of her.)
Child 8: Mum feels very tired. The new baby will be here soon.
Mum: I am very tired. I think I will go to bed for a bit.
Dad: That’s OK, I’ll make you a cup of tea. (Mum and Dad walk off the stage together.)
Esther: I wonder if our new baby will be a boy or a girl. I will have a brother or a sister.
Child 9: Mum and Dad go to the hospital and the nurses help Mum to have her new baby. (Mum and Dad walk on holding new baby.)
Child 10: Mum and Dad have a new baby girl. Esther has a sister now called Martha.
Esther: My little sister cries a lot.
Mum: Martha has had her milk and a cuddle but she is still crying.
Esther: I will give her my teddy bear.
Dad: Well done, Esther. She has stopped crying.
Child 11: Esther and her family will be very busy with the new baby.
Child 12: The new baby is special in Esther’s family and in God’s family. (All three – Mum, Dad and Esther – walk off and sit down.)!
Time for reflection
Child 13: Let us pray.
Child 14: Dear Lord, help us to remember what you told us about love. We must always be kind to other people and care for them.
Child 15: Sometimes we might argue with our friends, but we still love them.
Child 16: Thank you for our mums and dads and our families. Help them to know that we love them very much.
Child 17: Think about everybody you love, and remember to show them that you love them every day.
Child 18: We hope you have enjoyed our assembly.
Class together: Thank you.
‘Thank you, Lord’ (Come and Praise, 32)