Books of Assemblies from the site
There are a growing number of books using material from this site. They organise the assemblies into different categories making them a handy pick up and use resource that is much appreciated by teachers.
Assemblies Resources through the Year
The collection covers Christian Festivals and Themes, Stories from the Bible, Festivals of World Religions, and includes many ideas for citizenship and personal development.
The Flying Pizza
A collection of 45 assemblies by Revd Alan M. Barker in an updated, easy-to-use format. The content is clearly laid out with icons indicating each assembly’s aim, preparation needed and step-by-step instructions for presenting the assembly.
Primary School Assemblies for a Just World
Provides a rich variety of assembly material that explores and explains global development issues for primary school children.
SEAL Assemblies for Primary Schools
The Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme is a UK government initiative designed to help children and young people develop social and emotional intelligence. Lively, engaging and immensely practical, this book is a valuable resource fo
More Secondary School Assemblies
The lively and engaging material covers Christian festivals; stories from the Bible; PSHE-related material and ethics-related assemblies.
Primary School Assemblies for Religious Festivals
This book features assemblies from world religions from Baha’i to Zoroastrian, suitable for all schools to use and share with their pupils.
Other books
A selection of books that teachers and those who take assemblies have found useful:
Understanding Children Understanding God by Ronni Lamont
A practical book by the editor of this site that outlines current thinking on child development and spirituality, and brings them together to propose effective ways to work with children.
"Those who find educational theory hard going will find the writer's lucid and personal style both accessible and interesting. It is not just about children but about ourselves and our own innate spirituality that may have been buried in adulthood." RE Today
"Should be on the bookshelves of every church leader, and form part of the basic training of all volunteers who work closely with children." Church Times
The God Who Leads Us On by Ronni Lamont
Retelling the Bible stories from a first-person perspective. Suitable for older children.
Ethics for GCSE by Peter Jackson
This illustrated textbook covers the syllabus for students focusing on ethics from a Christian perspective. It provides questions, examples and case histories to engage pupils at every stage and at every level.
More Christian Assemblies for Primary Schools by Sharon Swain
This book is full of contemporary ideas and activities for ten weeks of class or whole-school assembly – particularly suitable for church schools.
The Peacemakers Pack
An action pack which uses film, music, photography and other media with the aim of improving understanding in the UK between Christians, Muslims and others.
The pack contains:
- an innovative DVD
- a photo-images catalogue of peacemakers worldwide
- a guide for educators, teachers and group leaders.
In Leading Assemblies:-
Special Educational Needs
Personal Faith
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