How to use this website
At the heart of this site is the notion that busy, dedicated teachers and others who take assemblies are daily developing first-class assembly ideas and material. The Internet provides a speedy way to share ideas with colleagues all over the country (and beyond). The site contains a number of areas, all based around our central scheme of sharing assemblies. If you have ideas for how the site can change and develop, please contact us using our feedback page – we would be delighted to hear your ideas.
Common areas
These are areas of the site that cover both primary and secondary schools.
About us
This gives information about the site and its aims and about SPCK, which provides the service.
How to use this website
Where you are now.
Search archive
A powerful search allowing you to find any assembly since the site's inception in 1999.
How to put forward an assembly for inclusion on the website.
An easy way to make a comment, suggest an area you might want us to try to cover in the future.
Internet links you might find useful including our current crop of primary assemblies in Welsh.
Primary and Secondary School Areas
You will find the following sub sections in each area.
Current assemblies - Primary : Secondary
Each month (or each half term for secondary) we post a new collection of assemblies that are designed to be used straight from the site or to inspire your own thinking. It is our intention that users will pick and choose appropriate elements, adapting the assemblies to fit their own experience and circumstances.
Some assemblies require no preparation, while others may take a few moments to organize or require you to bring in simple visual aids such as a piece of fruit or a book. You will also find that in some cases there are suggestions for curriculum-linked ways in which groups of children can prepare something – a few minutes' drama, for example – to add to the assembly.
Key Issues Assemblies - Primary : Secondary
Like the current assemblies, this area contains suggestions for assemblies on a range of themes but whereas the current assemblies will change each month, these have a longer shelf life. They are designed to support key moments in school life and to provide assemblies on basic themes.
The assemblies will change over time and some current assemblies (those that prove popular and are not seasonal), will find their way into the key issues assemblies.
Rapid response (links will be from the home page)
From time to time we post assemblies that respond to news events. An animated ‘Rapid response' icon on the home page identifies these. The intention here is to share ways of dealing with current affairs, particularly those that demand attention but are difficult to explore meaningfully. We won't have all the answers but we can share ideas and approaches.
Festivals of world religions - Primary : Secondary
A selection, by no means exhaustive, of assemblies relating to the festivals of major faiths which are intended to promote understanding and tolerance as well as provide information and inspire spiritual and ethical responses.
Resources - (both Primary and Secondary)
The site offers advice about the practicalities of leading assemblies, with guidance about preparation, presentation, music, using drama and responses in assemblies, and other web sites you may find useful.
Assemblies Questionnaire
A structured way for you to provide feedback - a very useful tool for us in helping us to shape the future of the site.
In About:-
About us
Assemblies Video
Donate to SPCK Assemblies
How to use this site
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