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Every Day Is Special

An assembly from the Culham St Gabriel archive

Suitable for Whole School (Pri) - Church Schools


To consider the wonder of each new day and the joy of being alive.

Preparation and materials

  • You will need objects such as balloons, banners, a cake and some streamers to suggest that a celebration of some sort is taking place.

  • You will also need the words ‘Every Day Is Special’ ready to be displayed when required.


  1. Ask the children if they can think of any reason why there are balloons, banners or streamers displayed in the room. Suggestions could include that it is someone’s birthday, an anniversary and so on.

  2. After receiving several suggestions, explain that, although some of the answers were getting near to the correct one (several were to do with a celebration of some kind), none of them was exactly right.

  3. Ask the children to describe some of their favourite celebrations.

  4. Reveal the words ‘Every Day Is Special’ and ask everyone to join in repeating them.

  5. Explain that people are usually good at celebrating big occasions. However, it is important that we also celebrate each day because each day is a gift. Ask the children to suggest things that we could be grateful for every day.

Time for reflection

Ask the children to sit quietly and listen to the words of a short prayer. When they hear the words, We thank you that . . .’, they should join in with the words, ‘every day is special.

Dear God,
When we think of the sun rising in the sky each day,
We thank you that every day is special.
When we get out of bed each morning and see our friends and family,
We thank you that every day is special.
When we come to school and learn something new,
We thank you that every day is special.
When we feel full of life and laughter and glad to be alive,
We thank you that every day is special.


Thank you, Lord (Come and Praise, 32)

Morning has broken (Come and Praise, 1)

Publication date: October 2022   (Vol.24 No.10)    Published by SPCK, London, UK.
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